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Mars School Board takes next step on tennis courts project

ADAMS TWP — The Mars Area School Board took another step toward fixing the district’s tennis court dilemma during a work session meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Members unanimously approved a proposal from DRAW Collective for architectural and engineering professional services for the ongoing tennis courts project in the amount of $72,300.

The tennis courts that the girls team currently are using are in a state of disrepair. After hearing some of the problems, the board began to take action.

DRAW Collective, an architectural design firm based in Pittsburgh, has already been working closely with the district for its extensive elementary school project.

That existing partnership made the decision to hire the company for this project easy.

“I think the general thought process is they can oversee that project since they’re already going to be here,” said superintendent Mark Gross. “It sort of streamlines it, and we’ll be able to do it all under one umbrella. I think everybody just felt comfortable with the fact that they’re already here overseeing one project, and it’s just one less thing to worry about.”

Staff and members of the school board are already meeting with DRAW Collective biweekly as it continues to hash out plans for what the new elementary school will look like.

Officials heard another company’s proposal for the architectural and engineering services, but opted to stick with DRAW, which will help determine if the project includes four or five courts that will sit just off Route 228.

The company will also advise the board on whether or not outdoor court lighting is a feasible option.

“That (playing night matches) would pretty much be the major benefit,” said Gross of the possible impact of lighting. “Safety, too, just having more lighting on campus. The decision hasn’t been made. It all depends on how those construction costs come back.”

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