Southwest Butler County by the numbers
Here are the population figures for southwestern Butler County according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey 5-year estimates from 2022:
Area: 118.39 square miles
Population: 71,296
Total households: 28,840
Average household size: 2.37
Houses with a mortgage: 15,226
Renters: 6,477
Top occupations:
Management, business, science and arts: 21,230
Sales and office: 7,612
Education, legal, community service, arts and media: 4,246
Sales and related: 4,237
Service: 3,750
Computer, engineering and science: 3,573
Office and administrative support: 3,375
Health diagnosing and treating practitioners: 3,240
Educational instruction and library: 2,481
Computer and mathematics: 1,736
Architecture and engineering: 1,548
Food preparation and serving: 1,441
Transportation: 1,107
Area: 22.34 square miles
Total population: 14,767
Average Average household size: 2.71
Average household income: $196,919
Per-capita income: $42,158
Families in the poverty range: 184.1 (4.4%)
Average house value: $448,600
House with mortgages: 3,146
Renters: 603
Area: 0.54 square mile
Total population: 531
Average Average household size: 2.63
Median household income: $102,909
Per-capita income: $42,158
Families in the poverty range: 1.1 (0.6%)
Average house value: $144,200
House with mortgages: 115
Renters: 19
Area: 22.89 square miles
Total population: 33,164
Average household size: 2.45
Average household income: $146,977
Per-capita income: $61,177
Families in the poverty range: 363.3 (3.9%)
Average house value: $355,550
House with mortgages: 7,068
Renters: 3,068
Area: 0.82 square miles
Total population: 2,001
Average household size: 2.18
Average household income: $120,956
Per-capita income: $36,243
Families in the poverty range: 13.1 (2.5%)
Average house value: $188,000
House with mortgages: 354
Renters: 343
Area: 23.03 square miles
Total population: 3,190
Average household size: 2.48
Average household income: $95,699
Per-capita income: $51,149
Families in the poverty range: 34.0 (3.4%)
Average house value: $344,600
House with mortgages: 768
Renters: 160
Area: 0.39 square miles
Total population: 1,230
Average household size: 2.83
Average household income: $95,699
Per-capita income: $33,968
Families in the poverty range: 3.1 (1.0%)
Average house value: $237,000
House with mortgages: 242
Renters: 55
Area: 21.69 square miles
Total population: 5,075
Average household size: 2.56
Average household income: $115,486
Per-capita income: $45,984
Families in the poverty range: 93.4 (6.2%)
Average house value: $319,800
House with mortgages: 1,231
Renters: 309
Area: 23.02 square miles
Total population: 2,894
Average household size: 2.55
Average household income: $120,984
Per-capita income: $47,380
Families in the poverty range: 15.2 (1.6%)
Average house value: $354,900
House with mortgages: 503
Renters: 125
Area: 0.47 square miles
Total population: 1,169
Average household size: 1.87
Average household income: $68,649
Per-capita income: $35,688
Families in the poverty range: 10.9 (4.6%)
Average house value: $277,500
House with mortgages: 182
Renters: 270
Area: 0.47 square miles
Total population: 2,903
Average household size: 2.36
Average household income: $141,666
Per-capita income: $61,363
Families in the poverty range: 83 (2.9%)
Average house value: 407,500
House with mortgages: 599
Renters: 380
Area: 0.34 square miles
Total population: 502
Average household size: 1.85
Average household income: $75,281
Per-capita income: $39,926
Families in the poverty range: 2.0 (1.6%)
Average house value: $168,350
House with mortgages: 36
Renters: 179
Area: 2.05 square miles
Total population: 3,870
Average household size: 1.95
Average household income: $89,330
Per-capita income: $45,466
Families in the poverty range: 79.6 (8.8%)
Average house value: $254,150
House with mortgages: 565
Renters: 1,052