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Seven Fields Council approves new security cameras, public works equipment

Members of Seven Fields Borough Council approved several purchases related to public works and security during a meeting Monday, Jan. 27.

One of those purchases was to upgrade security cameras around the town park and pool for $11,953. Northern Regional Police Department advocated for the upgrades in recent months.

“This is upgrading the older cameras in and around the pool, the baseball field and the western side of the parking lot with 4K cameras,” said township manager Tom Smith. “This was a recommendation of the Northern Regional Police Department. They just felt that it was time, so everything is on the same level for technology.”

Smith said the 2025 budget set aside $12,000 for new camera purchases.

The upgrades will be in addition to the 4K cameras that were placed around the community center and playground last year.

Council members also approved a water correlator system, which is an advanced piece of technology that will work to uncover any leaks in the borough’s water system. The total cost is $31,500.

“This is an investment where council felt that they wanted to be more proactive in maintaining or keeping unbillable water at a minimum,” Smith said. “This is an ongoing commitment in keeping that expense or that water loss minimal.”

In other business

■ GIS Mapping Phases II was approved at a cost of $4,375. That program provides full-service distribution, collection and stormwater system mapping for the borough’s water system.

■ A legal advertisement involving a request for proposals for the 2025 Seven Fields Road Resurfacing Program was authorized.

■ Council members approved all administrative positions for the new year, which included Smith being reappointed as manager, along with solicitor Megan Turnbull and engineer John Balewski.

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